European School Inspection and Evaluation (ebook)
External inspection and evaluation of schools are widely practised, but still controversial. Yet, as Adrian Gray demonstrates in this first ever long-term perspective on school inspection in Europe, inspection of schools has been part of European life for over two centuries; nor has there been much doubt about its value since, when, in the early years of the nineteenth century, educationalists and politicians criss-crossed Europe studying school systems and, almost universally, concluded that schools were best where the inspection was regular.
This book provides a 250-year narrative of the rise, decline and recovery of inspection
across Europe, whilst also including a detailed commentary on the key themes that have arisen. it deals with major political issues, including the struggle between State and Church in the 1800s and the usurping of inspections core functions for political purposes by totalitarian governments in the 1930s. Yet, there is also room for the human element, including the challenges of being an Irish or Russian inspector facing an impossible schedule in the 1800s, or the unusual qualifications of the first female inspector in England.
The perspective provided here will provide insight for policy-formers, inspectors and school leaders. it is sure to inspire a debate on the place of inspection and external evaluation in European school culture.